One of last year's fun news stories was a 911 call from a man whose cat wouldn't let him in his house. After a three hour stand off, and after the police and 911 operator finished laughing themselves silly, an officer was…
It's tough to care for friends. My friend Jennifer had delivered her third baby. My patient was baby Julia, who had a rough start, needing oxygen for the first days of life. Jennifer was exhausted from labor, delivery, and…
My brother-in-law was in a bar on a cruise ship. A woman from "coal-mining country" liked him so much she exclaimed, "Ain't you pretty- you got all your teeth!" Teeth are important for good looks, and good health. Listen to…
This week's guest columnist is Dr. Marc Fernandez, a Family Practice resident at the University Hospital and Clinics here in Lafayette. Bumps, scrapes, and bruises can be found on the scalp of any active child, some so much they…
Ben grew up with asthma, but at 15 he seemed to have outgrown it. Then this fall he began to cough and feel tight. His mom took him to a quick-care, where he was prescribed an inhaler. A few weeks later he caught another cold…
This week's guest columnist is Dr. Michael Johnson, a Family Medicine resident at the University Hospital and Clinics here in Lafayette. In the Sportsman's Paradise, enjoying the great outdoors means most of us have encountered a…
This week's guest columnist is Dr. Claire Ronkartz, a family practice resident at University Hospital and Clinics here in Lafayette. In the first week of medical school my class was split into groups of ten students with a…
I was checking out The Running of the Bulls on the internet yesterday. If you haven't heard, that's a festival in Pamplona, Spain where they set bulls loose in the streets of the city. Thrill-seekers get chased by the bulls, and…
She really was in a fix. She spoke only spanish. She was a teenager alone in this country with only her father, and he was pretty mad right now. She was having belly pain and didn't understand why- until I broke it to them that…
This week's guest columnist is Dr. Allan Olson, a family practice resident at the University Health Center here in Lafayette. Allan is 61 years old, yet is on the long and stressful road of residency that makes a doctor. How…